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This system has now been sold. Kindly contact us if you are looking for something similar. 


GE Discovery 750HD Upgraded to GSI

Manufactured: Dec 2010


Current location : Japan (NEX106)


Tube Type:Performix_HD_Plus


Tube Replaced: August 2021


Current Tube mAs:48600395


Options: mA Porfile, ASiR-V, Vero Iterative Recon, VolumeViewer, HD_Smart MAR, High Resolution, Over Lapped Recon – Axial, HelicalShuttle, NoiseReductionFilter, GemStone Spectral Imaging, Enhanced GSI, Sub-0.4-Second-Scan, Enhanced Xtream Injector, SmartScore Pro, CardIQ SnapShot, CardIQSnapShot-Cine, EKG Viewer, SnapShor Assist, SnapShotAssist Temporal Enhance, AutoBone_Xpress, GSI SnapShot Pulse
System available immediately 

GE Discovery 750HD Upgraded to GSI


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