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GE VCT 64 Slice CT Scanner
Manufactured: 2006
Current location : USA (NEX70)
Tube Type: Hercules
Tube Replaced: March 2020
Current Tube mAs: 86 Million mAs
Options: ASIR, AutoFilter-and-Transfer, VCT-85KW-Power, VOluemViewer, Patient-64-Slice, SmartScorePro, Connect Pro, Sub-0.4-Second-Scan, CardIQSnapShot-Cine, VCT-Hi_Power, CardIQ SnapShot, EKG Viewer, SnapShot Assist, AutoBone_Xpress, NoiseReductionFilter, SnapShotAssist Temporal Enhance, AWE Connection, Overlapped Recon – Axial, Smart Prep, Direct MPR, Exam Split, Data Export, 3000 Image Series, AutomA, CopyComposer, NeuroFilter, Dynamic Z-axis Tracking, Enhanced Xtream Tracking, HelicalShuttle
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