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Used GE MR3601.5T


Manufactured: 2012


Location: Australia (EX2994)


Coils: 8Ch Head, 8Ch Knee, 8Ch Wrist, 8Ch Body, 8Ch CTL, 8Ch Foot Ankle


RX Channels: 8


Software Version: SV25.0


Options: ARC, Asset, Bloodsupp, BREAST2, Cine, COSMIC, 3D Dual Echo, DW EPI, E3DTOF, Echo Planar Imaging, Fastcine, Fast Gradient Echo, Fiesta 2D, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta 3D, 3D Fat Sat Fiesta, FIESTA-c, FLAIR EPI, 3DFRFSE, Fast Spin Echo and FLAIR, FSE_XL, Fluoro-triggered MRA, Time of Flight, Modality Worklist, IDEAL, iDrive, iDRIVE Pro, Inhance 2D Inflow, Inhance 3D Velocity, Inhance 3D Inflow IR, Lava, LAVA-XV, 2D MERGE, Multi-Phase (variable delays), Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, DW PROPELLER, T2 PROPELLER, T2 Flair PROPELLER, QuickSTEP, iDrive Pro Plus, Smart Prep, SPECIAL, SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, T2Star Weighted ANgiography, Three Plane Localizer

GE MR360 1.5T

SKU: EX2994




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