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This system is currently sold. Let us know if you are looking for similar product.


Used Hitachi Scenaria 64 Slice CT 


Manufactured: 2012


Location: Australia (EX2985)


Application software : V 1.92


System software : V 1.92


Generator : 72 KW ( 100kVA)


Tube: 7.5 MHU


Tube Last Replaced: 15th September 2020


System Total Slice: 1,261,920


Tube Slice: 283,595


Options : ECG // Perfusion Analysis / ABDML FAT / LAA / Lung Analysis / Wall pointer / Calcium scoring / Coronary Ana / Remote service / MWM


SP service pack : V 1.04

Hitachi Scenaria 64 Slice

SKU: EX2985

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